Monday, April 6, 2009

Another week.

Amazing news this weekend - Randy and Missy V finally got engaged on Friday night so Missy and I had to have a nice long chat Saturday after some calming down had occured. They've been talking about different things for awhile now so are setting up some tours for Saturday. They want to get married later this year so they need to get to work soon. I don't think they need to start that soon but I know how exciting it is to be engaged and want to go whole hog into planning. Congrats!

I got some new DVDs today from that I'm going to add to my regular workout routine. I got one last week from Netflix and was pretty happy with Jillian Michael's latest DVD so I got both of them to switch off with. I think I'll be good with DVDs for a while since I already have a few.

I did my progress test last night for a 100 push-ups and got 17. My 18th wasn't up to par so I called it good and started week 3 in the same rank (1) as I have for the other two. I was hoping to do better but there will be another test in 2 weeks so I'll see how that one goes. I might need to repeat a week as I get near to the end. Today's push-ups were much harder to do. I'm hoping that I feel more confident as I go through the week and build up more strength. Fingers Crossed.

My jog this morning was almost relaxing. I did my usual Wednesday "hard" jog and plan to do something similar on Friday with Wednesday becoming my "easy" jog day. We'll see how long that lasts. I'm getting more into and yesterday afternoon T talked me into an IPOD nano (I already have the classic) but the nano will be great for jogging. I ordered NIKE+ and an armband on last night and I'm hoping to get them both tomorrow. I ordered an adapter for my shoe too since I don't have NIKE shoes but it'll take a few days because it was from another company thru Amazon.

A month from now we'll be in Hawaii for 10 days. I am so looking forward to the vacation and cruise. I'm not very happy about the flight but we're going to get a hotel in SF for the night before and take BART in so it should be fine.

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