Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lazy Day.

Wonderful Sunday. We slept in late and just relaxed all day... well, not counting the part when I went to the gym (go me) but still it was a good day.

I have to say I love our new Lazyboy loveseat (Gibson style) more every day. We only got it Thursday afternoon but it's so comfy. The picture is the exact color we got too. It might not be the prettiest loveseat ever created but it's got to be one of the most comfortable. I should know. T. and I did some power showing nearly two months' ago on a whim and, at our very last store, found the perfect one for us.

The high back is great for T's height. You sink into it when you sit down. I almost can't wait for winter just to pile on the blankets and curl up on it.

Honest, it's heaven for your living room. Looks aren't everything!

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