Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year!

Hard to believe it's 2010! Seems like 2009 only just started but here we are and I have lots of plans for this coming year.

Number one is getting healthy. I've been hm-hawing about it for a while now and have gotten more in shape but I've neglected working on my eating issues. I know I don't eat enough fruits or veggies so this is a high priority this year. I'll eat more of the good things and less of the bad, but without getting hung up on cutting everything out of my life. I'm sorry sometimes I want a slice of cheesecake and that should be fine. Dieting doesn't work. Lifestyle changes and being positive are my goals.

Number two is getting my business going. This time next year, I will have had at least 6 months of experience and survived my first christmas selling online. This is taking longer than I thought to get going. It's moving forward though so we're going to keep positive and keep moving.

Number three is to spend less time zoned out in front of the tv and more time enjoying my hobbies (scrapbooking, writing, photography, designing, whatever). I've got the gift of lots of free time so I need to use it better. Getting healthy and getting my business going will incorporate my hobbies too. I'm going to start a scrapbook/journal to write/bitch whatever about the coming year and get back into a photo a day blogging.

Every week I'm going to blog here at least once. I'm going to blog on my sparkpeople site and get involved in the groups/teams there. I'm going to spend more time doing stuff with my husband and I'm going to enjoy life.

On that note, I'm off to update my sparkpeople site

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